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Crystalized Cell phone Case

There is nothing more flashy and stylish for your phone than a customized crystal case with sparkling glass crystals. The sky is the limit with options: initials, full name, only first name, one star, many stars, several colors or unicolor – you name it!

‘Golden star’ case starts at € 450.
‘F*ck’ case starts at € 390.
‘Initials with small stars’ case starts at € 350.

Prices vary depending on the cell phone size. Please get in touch for a quote from our studio.

Note: Our bestseller is the black cell phone case with white initials and white stars.

Luxurious cellphone case

Why are the cases so expensive?
Most designs require between 2.500 and 5.000 glass crystals by PRECIOSA in 8-10 different sizes. Working with many different sizes, especially the smallest size of just 1mm, results in an outstanding lush quality with an incredible amount of sparkle.
The quality of these cases is outstanding and does not compare to cheaper products.
